The Scottish Road Works Commissioner is seeking to appoint a service provider to deliver a service for the Design, Construction, Implementation, Improvement, Hosting and Maintenance of the Scottish Road Works Register.
The Register provides a means to plan and exchange notices of works, record details of inspections carried out, record details of reinstatements completed and exchange information on the location of underground apparatus, with an overall aim to aid in the co-ordination of road works and reduce disruption to the travelling public. It is the repository for the whole life record of works carried out in the road network under the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 and the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 (NRSWA) (as amended by the Transport (Scotland) Act 2005). The Commissioner analyses the information recorded on the register to gauge roads authority and undertakers compliance with these Acts and related best practice guidance. Scotland has operated such a national register of road works since 1991. The last procurement process for such a register was undertaken in 2009 (OJEU Ref: 2009/S 29-042545).
Full details of the services required are contained within the procurement documents. The tender is designed to provide the Scottish Road Works Community with a Register of works and ancillary services (such as the Dial before you Dig service and Helpdesk functions).