Call free on: 08000 231 251
Under every street there are cables, mains, pipes and sewers. Every day, excavations take place for building, roadworks, maintenance and development.
Dial Before you Dig is the one call system funded by a consortium made up of all Roads Authorities and Utilities in Scotland. It serves to prevent injury to those planning to dig and to maintain vital services by preventing damage to apparatus such as gas, electricity, telecommunications and water.
The Dial Before you Dig service will:
- Reduce the risk of injury to site workers.
- Help avoid costly damage to underground plant.
- Prevent disruption of services vital to the community.
- Help avoid expensive delays to completing your work.
Dial Before you Dig is easy to use
Step 1 - At least 5 working days before you plan to dig call 08000 231 251 and give the Dial Before you Dig operator details of the works you intend to carry out.
Step 2 – The Dial Before you Dig operator will record these details on the Scottish Road Works Register as a Plant Information Request.
Step 3 – The Plant Information Request is sent to all Roads Authorities and Undertakers who have expressed an interest in the location where you intend to dig.
Step 4 – Each Undertaker and Roads Authority will review your request, and if they have any apparatus that may be affected they will contact you directly.
The Dial Before you Dig service will:
- Reduce the risk of injury to site workers.
- Help avoid costly damage to underground plant.
- Prevent disruption of services vital to the community.
- Help avoid expensive delays to completing your work.
The Office of the Scottish Road Works Commissioner is able to supply this service free of charge to you through funding received from Roads Authorities and Utilities in Scotland.
Reducing injuries to site workers is our first priority, but monetary savings made by avoiding damage to plant are also significant. Plant is expensive to install and to maintain. Underground plant in Scotland alone has a replacement value of billions of pounds.
- Serious injury
Disruption of vital services
Expensive delays
Please note any excavation in the road/footpath/verge is likely to require some form of permission from the local Roads Authority. The Dial Before you Dig service does not absolve you of your requirement to seek this permission.
Please also be aware that while you may have plans showing apparatus in relation to your site there is no substitute for safe digging.
The Dial before you Dig service is currently provided to The Office of the Scottish Road Works Commissioner by Symology Ltd.